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We hope you find the information here beneficial for your time as a family with us here at North Scarle Primary School.

We firmly believe that better engagement with our families leads to better outcomes for our children. There are many ways in which you can communicate with us and we will ensure we are actively listening. At the start and end of school day on the playground, phone call during the day, messages via dojo, ParentMail for..., emails, newsletters etc. Parent View - our yearly surveys, Ofsted, parent meetings 3 x per year which inlcude focused surveys, reports.

If you are seeking a school place for your child, please go to the KEY INFORMATION section where you will find all the information you need with regards ADMISSIONS for new starters in either Reception or mid-year applications.

For information about OFSTED and our most recent parent survey results, please also go to the KEY INFORMATION section where you will find the Ofsted Report from May 2022.

North Scarle Primary School is ranked 7th out of 330 Lincolnshire Primary Schools for overall performance at the end of Key Stage 2.