Physical Education
PE at North Scarle Primary School
It is our intent at North Scarle Primary School to provide pupils with a high-quality, inclusive PE curriculum which allows pupils to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding of a range of sports. We ensure that lessons are engaging, inspiring and aspirational. We want our children to build a positive relationship and attitude towards physical activity both in and outside of school and, have a secure understanding of the importance of a healthy lifestyle and being active.
Children need movement and activity now more than ever, and we want the children at our school to get more than the 2hrs a week offered by our curriculum. Time in our school is therefore enriched with: daily movement breaks; playtimes which encourage physical activity through equipment, playground markings, games, the trim trail and an outdoor gym; a brilliant outdoor space; sports day; charity events (The Wheely Big Challenge) and opportunities for ALL pupils to join in interschool sports and remote competitions and WOW days.
How is PE taught at North Scarle?
Through structured, expert-led activities, we enrich our curriculum, helping children stay active, build confidence, and develop essential life skills that promote happiness and well-being for life.
- 2 hours of PE a week – led by our expert Coach from Premier Education.
- 1 cycle runs the same every year, ensuring every child will have the opportunity to revisit and progress through PE skills/games each year (adapted to meet needs in Sept 25)
- Adapted classrooms to ensure weather does not prevent sessions from going ahead.
- Teachers model skills and ask questions throughout lessons to check children’s understanding and improve children’s performance.
- Opportunities for pupils to lead sessions/activities.
- Positive feedback is given throughout each lesson.
- Swimming lessons off site are provided for KS2 year groups. Swimming is additional to the core PE curriculum based on the needs of pupils but still ensuring all pupils by the end of Y6 can swim 25m
- Pupils are assessed weekly by Class Teacher and Premier Education to ensure that clear progression is made, and all individual needs/abilities are met.
- Pupils have access to quality equipment for a variety of sports.
- Opportunities to participate in extra-curricular clubs.
- Pupils are encouraged and positively challenged.
- Encouraged to deal and overcome challenges.
- Opportunities to participate in inspirational, whole school sporting events occur throughout the year to help raise the profile of sport and the importance of being active.
What is our intended impact for PE?
By the time our Year 6 children leave for secondary school, we intend for them to have:
1. Engaged with increased confidence, knowledge and skills across a range of sports and physical activity
2. Recognised and reaped the benefits of a variety of sporting activities and opportunities, which has not only improved their physical health but their mental wellbeing
3. Experienced and enjoyed competitive sport at a variety of levels