Religious Education
RE at North Scarle Primary School
The aim of our RE curriculum is to ensure an inclusive, cohesive experience for all pupils as they gain the crucial knowledge they need in order to develop a deeper understanding of a range of religions, including Christianity, Hinduism and Islam and how belief impacts on how people live their lives. We aim to provide aspirational opportunities for children to be able to confidently use their knowledge to ask critical questions driven by their own understanding and curiosity. Children will be given the tools they need, to have informed discussions including a higher level of vocabulary, as well as opportunities to direct their own learning so that they can each see their successes within their own learning. We aim to give children the ability to understand other religions through inspiring and enriched learning opportunities, including visits, and the impact of religious philosophy on the daily life of a variety of individuals.
At North Scarle, RE is taught for one hour a week through the teaching of the Lincolnshire Agreed syllabus (2018). This is taught through a hybrid model of compulsory and additional modules. They reflect the Balanced RE approach, which focusses on a balance between believing (theology), living (human/social sciences) and thinking (philosophy). Children are encouraged to discuss different religions and the acts that are part of that religion and to discuss similarities and differences in what they are learning about.
Each half-term a new model will be taught and assessment is gathered through observation, lesson observation and written documentation in books.
Although we are not a church school, we have close links with the local church and there are regular opportunities to meet with the vicar (who is also a governor) and to visit North Scarle All Saints church.
Experiences and enrichment opportunities include:
- Handling artefacts
- Exploring texts
- Using imaginative play and role play to explore ideas
- Responding to images-games, stories, art
- Making visits to religious places of worship or where it is not possible use of the internet
- Taking part in whole school events-Harvest, Christmas, Easter, school performances, multi-faith days
- Taking part in weekly celebrations and daily assemblies where children come together as a community to share achievements and learn more about the world we live in
- Debating religious faith
The children will:
- Be able to talk about Christianity and other religions
- Feel valued
- Know the school values and be able to talk about them
- Be able to talk about the similarities and differences between faiths
- Be able to discuss their own and other’s views of religious truth and belief
- Reflect on sources of information
The impact of RE is also sought directly from talking to the pupils and gathering their ideas and thoughts.
NOTE: The attached documents were due to be reviewed and updated inline with the release of the new Lincolnshire Agreed Syllabus this year (24-25). This has now been delayed until September 2025. Therefore, staff are adapting the Long Term Overview to ensure careful coverage for each class as class structures also changed at the start of the year. Please contact Mrs Durant Good for more information regarding the RE curriculum. Curriculum Newsletters are available for each half-term with each class's coverage of every subject. These are sent out by class teachers on our communication app 'Class Dojo'.