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The Governing Body

The 3 core roles of our governors:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
  • Holding the Head teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils.
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

Our Full Governing Body meets three times per year and our Finance Committee meet each half term and report back to the Full Governing Body.

Finance committee - Mr J Money, vacancy and the Headteacher

Headteacher Performance Reviewers - Mr J Money, vacancy and an external Education Advisor

Pay committee - Mr J Money, vacancy


The links below enable you to find out more information about our governors including their business and financial interests within school, roles in other schools and the structure and responsibilities of the governing body and committees.  There is also an attendance chart for full governing body meetings this academic year.

Chair of Governors - Mr James Money (Parent)

  • Must have a child at school at the time of election
  • Are elected by parents of children at the school for a term of four years
  • May be appointed by the governing body if a “nil” response was returned at the nominating stage
  • Cannot be appointed as parent governor if employed by the Local Authority
  • May, if they wish stand for re-election

Appointed: 14th March 2023

Term of Office ends 13th March 2027



Clerk to Governors - Mrs Abbie Palmer

Correspondence for the Chair or the Clerk of Governors may be addressed to the school or by emailing 

Safeguarding Governor - Rev Andrew Vaughan (Co-opted)

  • Can be removed from office by at least fifty per cent of the full governing body who have not been co-opted
  • School staff and elected members cannot be co-opted
  • When deciding whom to co-opt, governors should make sure that the governing body reflect a balance

Appointed: 1st September 2017

Term of Office ends 31st August 2025

Parent Governor (Vacancy x2)

  • Must have a child at school at the time of election
  • Are elected by parents of children at the school for a term of four years
  • May be appointed by the governing body if a “nil” response was returned at the nominating stage
  • Cannot be appointed as parent governor if employed by the Local Authority
  • May, if they wish stand for re-election

Appointed: Vacancy

Term of Office ends: NA

Headteacher - Mrs Katie Durant Good (Ex Officio)

The Head teacher is responsible for the internal organisation, management and control of the school. The Head teacher advises on and implements the governing bodies strategic framework. The Head teacher also:

  • Formulates aims and objectives, policies and targets for consideration for the governing body to adopt
  • Reports to the governing body on progress at least once every school year (usually termly)
  • Has the right to attend all meetings of the governing body
  • Can choose not to be a member of the governing body

Term of Office : Ex-officio

Staff Governor - Miss Grace McConnell

  • Must be elected by other staff members at the school
  • Holds a term of office for four years but will cease if they leave school
  • May stand for re-election
  • Can give their point of view on issues, but this may not reflect the views of the majority of staff
  • Can join any committee, help in appointing a Head teacher and contribute towards discussions on the budget and discipline
  • Must withdraw form a meeting if they have a personal interest in the outcome of an issue

Appointed: 18th January 2022

Term of Office ends 17th January 2026

Local Authority Governor - Vacancy  (please get in touch with Governor Support at                                                                                                                  Lincolnshire County Council if you would like to be                                                                                                        considered for this role)

  • Support and promote the policies of the Local Authority
  • Holds a term of office for four years
  • Can be removed by the Local Authority
  • Can be re-appointed when they completed their current term of office provided they have not been disqualified

Appointed:  NA

Term of Office ends 

Co-opted Governor - Karen Coram + 1 Vacancy  (please get in touch with the Clerk to                                                                                                                                  Governors if you would like to be                                                                                                                                         considered for this role)

  • Can be removed from office by at least fifty per cent of the full governing body who have not been co-opted
  • School staff and elected members cannot be co-opted
  • When deciding whom to co-opt, governors should make sure that the governing body reflect a balance

Appointed: 7th February 2024

Term of Office ends 6th February 2028

For more information on Governors' role within school please see the Governors' Handbook

Governors are requested annually to declare any personal interests they may have in the school. 

Rev A Vaughan serves on Swinderby C of E Primary School Governing body. 

No other Governors serve on other Governing bodies.

All Governors have voting rights on their committees.