In writing the children will learn to:
- Present neatly
- Spell correctly
- Punctuate accurately
- Write with a purpose
- Use imaginative description
- Organise writing appropriately
- Use paragraphs
- Use sentences appropriately
Analysis and presentation
- Analyse writing
- Present writing
Writing at North Scarle Primary is taught through:
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Spelling and handwriting
At North Scarle, children are taught to spell using a range of strategies such as learning spelling patterns and rules and exploring the etymology and morphology of words. Spelling and handwriting are taught alongside each other in Class 2 and 3. Using cursive handwriting as a method of learning to spell builds stronger associations with common strings of letters, rather than the individual letters themselves. Certain common sounds in words, such as '-tion' become embedded, making it easier to commit to memory.
Writing units
At North Scarle Primary our children learn to write for a range of purposes. In Class 1, children write to inform and entertain. In Class 2, children write to inform, entertain and persuade. In Class 3, children write to inform, entertain,
persuade and discuss.
Our writing units are based on strong model texts,
engaging short films or real-life events, and are
taught using the 'gradual release' approach.